Your social media manager could be killing your marketing.  In theory, social media should be a pretty simple concept to grasp for them. In theory.

All it takes:

  • Create content to represent your business
  • Send it to the masses
  • Build awareness
  • Generate revenue
  • Bam, done, plan the party

If you have ever opened a social media account, however, you know that it just ain’t that simple.

Becoming successful on social media takes a significant amount of time, expertise, and resources.

Let’s dive into the death trap of social media that prevents millions of people every year from successfully building their brand online.

If any of the 5 social media manager archetypes remind you of your own social media management habits, we’re here to help:

Social Media Manager Type 1: The Convenient Publisher

This is the most common type of social media manager that we come across.

When talking to business owners, it sounds something like this “I post a few times a week/month or whenever something happens that I want to share with my customers”

Doesn’t sound too bad, right? Well, not so fast.

These people are publishing at their own convenience rather than focusing on what is best for the brand, what the social media algorithms love, and what followers want to see.

The success of your brand relies on the fact that you are publishing relevant content as often as possible.

For those who are just getting started with social media, this means at least once per day, and for those who have a larger, more mature social media presence should be posting multiple times a day.

Publishing at your own convenience is putting your own comfort above the success of your business.

Social Media Manager Type 2: The “Good Enough” Manager

Hiring a social media manager can be tricky when you don’t know much about social media because it can be difficult to measure the success of your employee.

Some social media managers like to say they are working endlessly to make your social media perfect, but the reality is that most are enjoying a nice happy hour on your dime.

The “Good Enough” manager posts on social media only a few times a week and thinks that posting “Happy National Donut Day” is an effective social media strategy.

Fact is, if you or your social media manager are not posting content at least once a day that will provide your customers with value, then it’s not exactly “Good Enough.”

Social Media Manager Type 3: The “My 21-year-old nephew knows social”

We see this type of story happen all of the time with business managers over 35 years old and is similar to the previous example.

There’s a common misconception that young people are exceptionally gifted or talented with managing brands on social media.

This misunderstanding leads to businesses hiring young, inexperienced employees to be responsible for an important part of their business just because of their perceived skill.

Hopefully, it’s obvious that not every young person is a social media wiz.

Social Media Manager Type 4: The Article Addict

We all know the B2B business that thinks the only relevant content they can post are articles.
Reality check: articles are one of the least effective forms of content and the algorithms punish them harshly!

If you find yourself posting only articles, here is what you need to understand: your customers are mindlessly scrolling through social media in a pattern known as scanning.

Most people spend less than 2 seconds looking at a piece of content, so to ask them to click on an entire article is optimistic, but not an effective strategy.

The content that works most effectively is the content that can be quickly scanned and absorbed.

We call this “native content.” The bottom line is if you or someone you know suffers from posting too many articles, please tell them to seek professional help (e.g. the professional folks at Evergreen).

Social Media Manager Type 5: The Quitter

This one is pretty simple and obviously a strategic misstep.

This is the business owner/ manager who tried to create a social media presence for their brand, failed, and threw away everything.

The quitter often provides excuses such as “my business doesn’t need social media” or “I just don’t have the time”, but the truth of the matter is that every brand benefits from an online presence, and neglecting it hurts the business.

The quitter often thinks about joining social media again but can not bring themselves to do so because of their previous failure. And we don’t blame them! Social media seems easy … until you have to do it.

That’s why we’ve become experts are here to help even the businesses in the most dire of circumstances.

If you or your social media manager fit any of these descriptions, it may be time to rethink how you are running your business’s social media.

Luckily, we have some great articles that give you some insights on how to run a successful social media. And if that’s not enough, schedule a free consultation and we’ll be happy to give you some free help!

Last, but not least, feel free to check out a page outlining a few of what our customers have to say and book a time with us.